Command Instrument Rating
This can apply for either a single or twin engine aircraft. It allows you to take off, navigate and conduct an approach to land with sole reference to the instruments in less favourable weather conditions.

Command Instrument Rating
How much will it cost?
Approximately $15,000 in a twin engine aircraft
How long will it take?
Approximately 20 hours of flying and 25 hours in the simulator. This will include your endorsement on the aircraft as well as the navigation exercise under the IFR
Aircraft List

Cessna 206
One of two commercial trainers available in the Basair aircraft inventory, the Cessna 206H/G model has a reputation in Australia

Piper Arrow
The Piper Arrow, a derivative design of Piper Archer – the first model Arrow I was introduced in 1967 as

Piper Saratoga
The Piper Saratoga is a six-seat, high-performance, single-engine aircraft produced by Piper Aircraft. From factory, it either features retractable or

Piper Seminole
The other light twin on offer at Basair College is the twin engine version of the Piper Warrior – the

Beechcraft Baron
Included in Basair inventory is the final General Aviation company of the big three – Beechcraft Aviation. The Beechcraft Baron

Piper Warrior
The second pillar of the Piper Aircraft Company and the older brother of the Piper Archer. This aircraft initially introduced

Piper Archer
The Piper Archer is one of two major pillars of the Piper Aircraft Company, the other being the Piper Warrior.

DCX Aircraft Simulator
The DCX Aircraft Simulator the primary simulator available at Sydney Aviators and our parent company, BASAIR. It is a modern