Aircraft Rates
& Private Hire
See below our Aircraft hire rates list, effective from August 1st, 2022. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Sydney Aviators Aircraft Price List
Effective 28th October 2024
Single Engine
Landing Fee
Piper Warrior
Piper Archer
Piper Arrow
Piper Saratoga
Cessna 206
Multi Engine
Landing Fee
Beechcraft Baron
Piper Seminole
Landing Fee
DCX Max (approved for renewals and recency)
Instructor Only
Landing Fee
All Grades
Flight Test – See Reception for tuition fee
Briefings – $90 per hour
RPL Starter Pack – $200 (includes starter kit, fuel drain and chamois)
PPL/CPL Starter Pack – $320
RPL Theory – $1000
PPL Theory – $1000
English Level 6 Demonstration – $119
RPL(A) Exam – $173.89
PPL(A) Exam – $198.12
• GST is payable on all flights that are not for educational purposes or part of an approved education course.
• Other aircraft types may be available on request.
• All times are based on VDO readings.
• Fuel purchased away from Bankstown is refunded at the current Sydney Aviators Bankstown fuel rate.
• Airservices Australia landing fees are payable at Bankstown, as well as all airports with an ATC service.
• Notice should be taken of landing and take-off charges at Sydney (YSSY) Airport.
• Prices are subject to change without notice.
Aircraft List

Cessna 206
One of two commercial trainers available in the Basair aircraft inventory, the Cessna 206H/G model has a reputation in Australia

Piper Arrow
The Piper Arrow, a derivative design of Piper Archer – the first model Arrow I was introduced in 1967 as

Piper Saratoga
The Piper Saratoga is a six-seat, high-performance, single-engine aircraft produced by Piper Aircraft. From factory, it either features retractable or

Piper Seminole
The other light twin on offer at Basair College is the twin engine version of the Piper Warrior – the

Beechcraft Baron
Included in Basair inventory is the final General Aviation company of the big three – Beechcraft Aviation. The Beechcraft Baron

Piper Warrior
The second pillar of the Piper Aircraft Company and the older brother of the Piper Archer. This aircraft initially introduced

Piper Archer
The Piper Archer is one of two major pillars of the Piper Aircraft Company, the other being the Piper Warrior.

DCX Aircraft Simulator
The DCX Aircraft Simulator the primary simulator available at Sydney Aviators and our parent company, BASAIR. It is a modern